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These are distribution plots of gene structure of eukaroytes, the water flea Daphnia pulex (Daphx), the worm C.elegans (Worm), the mouse Mus musculus (Mouse), insects Drosophila melanogaster (DroMel), Dros. grimshawi (DroGri), and the honey bee Apis mellifera (Apis).

Gene components shown are exon length, intron length, exon counts per gene, CDS (spliced) and transcript (unspliced) lengths. The plots show log of frequencies for each statistic. For instance, Exon counts of 1 to 20 show Drosophila has about half its genes with one exon (5e-1), compared to 10% or less (1e-1) with 1 exon in Mouse, Worm and Daphnia. Drosophila genes have 15+ exons only rarely (1/1000), while other species have them at 2/100 rates.

Statistics are measured from gene features using eval-2.2.6 of Michael Brent's lab. See below the genome data sources, results and picture files.

Don Gilbert, May/June 2007

Daphnia Gene Structure
see also Base Frequencies for Gene and Introns

exon-size intron-size
exon-count tr-size
          Genome data sources
Worm     : C. elegans Wormbase (release WS167, Spring 2007)
Mouse    : MGI mouse genome (Spring 2007)
DroGri   : Drososophila grimshawi CAF1 GLEAN predictions (Summer 2006)
DroMel   : Dros. melanogaster (release 4.3, 2006)
Daphx    : Daphnia pulex NCBI Gnomon predictions (May 2007)
Apis     : Apis mellifera NCBI Gnomon predictions (rel. 4.0, Spring 2007)
      Name                             Last modified       Size  Description

[DIR] Parent Directory 30-Mar-2008 15:08 - [DIR] basecounts/ 15-Aug-2007 17:16 - [TXT] daphnia-gene-structure-stats.txt 06-Jul-2007 14:28 4k [TXT] daphnia-gene-structure.html 04-Jul-2007 18:40 3k [   ] eukaryote-cds-size.pdf 23-Jun-2007 16:02 8k [IMG] eukaryote-cds-size.png 23-Jun-2007 16:04 111k [TXT] eukaryote-cdssize-eval.txt 23-Jun-2007 00:53 1k [   ] eukaryote-exon-count.pdf 23-Jun-2007 16:03 8k [IMG] eukaryote-exon-count.png 23-Jun-2007 16:04 102k [   ] eukaryote-exon-size.pdf 23-Jun-2007 16:03 7k [IMG] eukaryote-exon-size.png 23-Jun-2007 16:04 104k [TXT] eukaryote-exoncount-eval.txt 23-Jun-2007 00:53 1k [TXT] eukaryote-exonsize-eval.txt 23-Jun-2007 00:53 1k [   ] eukaryote-intron-size.pdf 23-Jun-2007 16:03 8k [IMG] eukaryote-intron-size.png 23-Jun-2007 16:04 90k [TXT] eukaryote-intronsize-eval.txt 23-Jun-2007 00:53 1k [   ] eukaryote-tr-size.pdf 23-Jun-2007 16:03 8k [IMG] eukaryote-tr-size.png 23-Jun-2007 16:04 101k [TXT] eukaryote-trsize-eval.txt 23-Jun-2007 00:53 1k [DIR] eukgenostrucplots/ 27-Feb-2008 22:22 - [TXT] eval-info.txt 23-Jun-2007 15:58 1k [   ] genes_apis_ncbi4.gtf.gz 22-Jun-2007 20:52 655k [TXT] 02-Jul-2007 14:37 815k [   ] genes_celegans_wb167.gtf.gz 09-May-2007 21:34 3.2M [TXT] 02-Jul-2007 14:38 3.6M [   ] genes_daphnia_jgi11.gtf.gz 19-Jan-2008 12:39 2.4M [   ] genes_daphnia_ncbi1.gtf.gz 22-Jun-2007 21:31 2.0M [TXT] 02-Jul-2007 14:32 2.5M [   ] genes_daphnia_pasaval.gtf.gz 16-May-2007 19:17 1.2M [   ] genes_drosgri_caf1.gtf.gz 09-May-2007 10:25 1.5M [TXT] 02-Jul-2007 14:34 1.8M [   ] genes_drosmel_fb42.gtf.gz 09-May-2007 15:51 1.8M [TXT] 02-Jul-2007 14:36 1.1M [   ] genes_mouse_mgi3.gtf.gz 09-May-2007 22:26 2.8M [TXT] 02-Jul-2007 14:40 4.5M [DIR] intronstat08/ 23-May-2008 21:29 - [TXT] 03-Feb-2008 18:42 13k